Saturday, September 22, 2007

I hold your head

I hold your head
in my hands, as you hold
my heart in your tenderness
as everything holds and is being
held by something other than itself
As the ocean lifts a rock
to the beach, as the tree
holds the mature fruits of Fall, as
our planet is lifted through planetary space
So we are both held by something and lifted
to where riddle holds riddle by the hand

(Stein Mehren, "Jeg holder ditt hode" from _Mot en verden av lys_ (Toward a world of light), 1963)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fleeing youth

Fleeing youth!
A hind
hunted by a pack of
barking dogs.

The great Hunter
at his guard
cooly observes
his hands.

(Claes Gill, "Flyktende ungdom" from _Ord i jærn_ publ. 1942)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The deep blue sky is drawing
A woollen blanket over itself,
Preparing to dream

London, October 2004

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Voluntarism all over again

Dave or Hearts in Atlantis. Hearts in Atlantis or Dave.

The more abstract the truth is that you would teach, the more you have to seduce the senses to it.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

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Norwegian for beginners

Google: akutt nervøst sammenbrudd

H.P. Lovecraft - Wikipedia
Da Lovecraft var tre år gammel, ble faren akutt psykotisk på et hotell i ... Han fikk et nervøst sammenbrudd i 1908, hvilket også resulterte i at han aldri ... - 34k - I hurtigbuffer - Lignende sider

Kindelvev - Noe helt for seg selv ;)... til tross for ett akutt behandlings forsøk på hospital onyx hvor ... og få nervøst sammenbrudd hver gang lippglossen kommer litt ut av stilling. ... - 49k - I hurtigbuffer - Lignende sider

[PDF] FRIVILLIGHETENS KÅR – NÅ OG I FRAMTIDA.Filformat: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - HTML-versjon
akutt katastrofehjelp og mer langsiktig bistand med tanke på å sette folk i ... grensende til nervøst sammenbrudd – på hvilke signaler en slik melding ...
https:/.../organisasjonsseminar/DnBNOR_orgseminar_frivillighetens_kaar_naa_og_i_framtid_Gunnar_Haugsveen.pdf - Lignende sider

I Tlönese:
Google: acutely apprehensive breakdown H.P. Lovecraft Wikipedia As Lovecraft stayed three year aged , became danger acutely psykotisk at a hotel in. He getting a apprehensive breakdown in 1908, which also was resulting in that he never. wiki /H.P._Lovecraft 34k IN cache memory Likewise pages Kindelvev Any absolutely for herself ;). although a acutely deal attempt on the hospital onyx how. and a few apprehensive breakdown each time lippglossen comes a bit from among census. 49k IN cache memory Likewise pages PDF FRIVILLIGHETENS CIRCUMSTANCES – Now and then IN FRAMTIDA.Filformat: PDF Adobe Acrobat HTML - version acutely katastrofehjelp and additional langsiktig aid with a view to to large type people in. border at apprehensive breakdown – on which signals a so bid. https:/. organisasjonsseminar /DnBNOR_orgseminar_frivillighetens_kaar_naa_og_i_framtid_Gunnar_Haugsveen.pdf Likewise pages


The more abstract the truth is that you would teach, the more you have to seduce the senses to it.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

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Sunday, July 01, 2007

Someday sunthing

Some rolled oats
Some wheat flour
Baking soda
A pimch of salt
A banana

Mix well.
Fry in vegetable oil



The more abstract the truth is that you would teach, the more you have to seduce the senses to it.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Stay undead!

A ditty to cheer up all you undead out there.

As they lower me down into that hole in the ground
I scream out for help but they hear not a sound
I fear at the lid, my fingers they bleed
Is this happening to me or is it just a dream


The more abstract the truth is that you would teach, the more you have to seduce the senses to it.
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil


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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Old limerick for Irish Richie

There once was a man from Isis

Whose balls had different sizis

One ball was small

Hardly no ball at all

The other was big and one ...

(and this is where you enter the competition... what is the missing woid we ax. btw. some say We r stupid just becåse we disagree with some spelling rule. we beg to differ.)

good evening.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Julie Krueger"
Subject: [lit-ideas] Please correct me if I'm wrong. Please.
Date: Sun, 3 Jun 2007 02:22:19 -0500

So.  The Kurds are being hemmed in from the north, as insurgents blew up a bridge which was a vital link to Baghdad, and the south, as Turkey is poised on the border to attack the Kurds from the South (Gates is warning them against doing so, so obviously everything's going to be all right).  Major Iraq-type bombs are being found in Afghanistan for the first time.  Iran is apparently continuing it's search for nuclear power, while Iranian type weaponry is being used in Iraq.  And, not having enough groups to kill and be killed by, there is now Sunni on Sunni fighting; as BBC says "rival Sunni factions".  Somewhere in the midst of all of this Al Qaeda and all kinds of Al Qaeda wannabes are running amok.  But we're safer now.  Right?  Do I have all of this about right?  (I'm not going to get into the Somalia thing, or the Lebanon thing; or the Israel thing, or Japan's nuclear aspirations;  there's only so much I can deal with at once.)  Condi wants a chance at diplomacy and Cheney wants to take the whole lot out.  And Bush, most likely in a hurry to get  everyone to ignore the Wars, is now championing a Green plan.  Hooray.  When we all die, the earth will be a cleaner place for our .....wait a minute....

I'm going to go read some trivial piece of fiction now.  My head hurts.

Julie Krueger

--- The more abstract the truth is that you would teach, the more you have to seduce the senses to it. - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil 


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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Re: [lit-ideas] Re: Sunday Poem (rather important missing word restored)

JG Ballard on growing up in Shanghai, the cruelty of contemporary Cannen , and life in suburbia Londonium.


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Sunday, May 06, 2007

garbage sun

Sit with me,
dear, tell

of the time
when I am

no more

Tor Ulven
phtic traslate


"Sitt hos meg,/ kjære, fortell// om den tiden/ da jeg ikke// finnes mer. "
From Tor Ulven, _Søppelsolen_ (1989)

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

What's perfection?

The love of the Body of man or woman balks account—the body itself balks account;
That of the male is perfect, and that of the female is perfect.

Walt Whitman, 'I Sing the Body Electric'

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To his father

(after Tu Fu)

The note books have faded to yellow
The rubbers don't listen no more
The ski tracks are blown away and
The TV screen dishevelled
At a dump

The pupils have turned into parents and
The incineration ovens turned cold.
There are no longer a living
Memory of the English classes and
The red pen's orders

The trying steps of friends in dance are forgotten and
The mistress' painted cheek
Changed to dust in the river of eternity.
What remains after the passing
Of centuries? What was me?


chewing gum

-- for lit-ideas

Dead bureaucrats sailors
Dead poets teachers
Oh how I have suffered for this poem

The voices will never stop
Dispose of your objects you say
Dead fishermen scholars
I can only write how I write

My child is hanging from a tree
I put him there
Don't look at me now
While I eat the evidence

Dead people's voices speak through me
Every sentence is a betrayal
I dream what I dream

- phatic
(traslated from hisself)