Saturday, May 02, 2015

From Fla to the End of the World

One morning at B Suit's home, Florida Rd, Fla, Suit's fiancée, the lovely A Woodland, makes a peculiar request.

"I want you to go to the World's End for me," she sais.

"The World's End?" Suit asks, requring a confirmation [validation to some].

"In deed," A Woodland responds.

The following week B Suit had the mayor of World's End, N d Cusa, take his picture in front of the TOwn Hall, sporting a large sign with the inscription WORLD'S END.

"Now you've reached the World's End, and here's a picture to prove it," N d Cusa said, handing the cell phone (with a camera) back to Suit, who -- without further ado -- stored the image on his hard drive.

On his return to Florida Rd, Fla, Suit shows the photograph (or pix, as they says in Fla), to his fiancée, the lovely A woodland.

"Here, now you see. I went to the World's End, on your request," Suit sais with not a small measure of hurt pride in his voice.

A Woodhouse considers her options for a moment, before answering,

"Well, you didn't have to take it that _literally_."

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